turning off preselection highlighting

 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
8435.8 In reply to 8435.7 
Totally understood ! And best of luck for the development of V4, it's been really nice seeing the steady development of the app over the years.

Oh and, one last note about highlighting : this also applies to the UI ! If you look at something like Google Chrome, the highlight effect when hovering over bookmark icons placed in the bookmarks bar is really quite subtle (and it has a very faint fade in/fade out effect too). These two factors make the bookmark buttons very gentle to hover over, and this is also true of many UI elements in Photoshop, Windows programs in general, and so on. Whereas the highlight effect over the big buttons in Moi3d (and Fusion360 too by the way) is really quite strong - hence, similarly to the way the viewport can feel quite jittery when working fast, the UI can also feel "flashy" at times because of all the big buttons lighting up constantly when merely moving the mouse around. I hope this makes sense !

(As you can probably tell I am personally quite sensitive to this sort of stuff ! I can sometimes get mild motion sickness when something moves/blinks as a direct consequence of my input but not happening directly under the cursor, which is partly why I moved from Max to Blender for modeling. Blender allows the user to recenter the camera center of interest precisely at the current location of the 3d cursor, which not only allows for very fast navigation but also has the benefit of not causing me any dizziness :) But I digress !)