Looking for car modeling tutorials

 From:  keith1961
8386.43 In reply to 8386.42 
Re artifacts when importing into Hexagon.

I had similar problems when using Carrara and after searching some forums I found what I think is the answer. Carrara does not fully support obj files and looses smoothing data. I think this also applies to Hexagon. Daz seems to have given up on development of these applications. Oddly Carrara pro has an import option for nurbs that produces worse results than its obj import.

Although Daz Studio uses vertex averaging, like Carrara, it does a better job of importing obj from Moi but artifacts are still a problem. I know learning to use the various software is an investment in time an effort so its sometimes daunting to contemplate change but if think Rocket3f would be a good replacement for anyone using Hexagon.