Looking for car modeling tutorials

 From:  KENMO
My 30 trial expired several weeks ago. And I must admit I love this modeling app very much.

Before I purchase I would like to ask a few questions...

I downloaded a few free car models from Grabcad and when I was exporting them from MOI3D as an OBJ, I frequently got an error message that I was out of memory. My computer has 32 gbs of DDR3 memory. Goggling seem to indicate this maybe a problem with 32bit apps. Will the next version of MOI3D be 64bit? Exporting each car part as a separate object seemed to be a work around.

When is version 4 of MOI3D going to be released?

Will MOI3D in the future have the ability to import Sketchup models?

I noticed when I brought my MOI3D models as OBJs into Hexagon or Silo3D subdividing models to achieve smoothing did smooth the objects.

Again many thanks...
