Looking for car modeling tutorials

 From:  makit3d (RALLEN)
Before I tried MoI3D I have used Microstation (more architectural/GIS driven but with a great 3d engine) and Rhinocerous in the past and was familiar with MoI almost as soon as I started to use it. There are some videos showing how to build parts for a Ferrari that I watched and followed which helped immensely. After that I started working on a Fiat500 in Silo (my go to program for almost everything) but decided to do it in MoI instead.

Here's the link to the post in this forum: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI

The tires and suspension were imported from another program and modeled by someone else while the wheels and the car body was done in MoI3D. It was a great deal of fun and allowed me to 'modify' the car styling (body lines, grille, etc.) easily. There were several attempts to work out how best to build it but once a feeling for the tools and the work flow started to become somewhat intuitive things moved along rather quickly. I attached the line work for this car in the post (there may be some lines missing...). It might help.

I realize this is not an overly complex vehicle to model and some of the details are left out or not quite right. However, I found it easier to model this thing in MoI than the vehicles I have modeled in Silo such as this one: https://makit3d.artstation.com/projects/yEgAR.
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