Looking for car modeling tutorials

 From:  Michael Gibson
8386.25 In reply to 8386.22 
Hi Ken,

> Does it have the old 392 CI FirePower Hemi?

Unfortunately no, mine has the standard 361 from that year. It's not running right now but the engine is rebuilt and ready to go back in and all the bodywork is done and it's ready to be painted. Someday... :)

Your model is great for not much time spent! re: Faceting - that's because it's made of plain polygons and not set up as a sub-d model. When you export out from a CAD program the polygon structure you get won't be suitable for further smoothing like you'd do in a polygon modeling program so in order to get it to look smooth you need to increase the mesh density at export time so it has more polygons in it.

- Michael