The only thing that erks me about this forum at times is the pagination.
For example if there's say 14 posts and then I reply at the end. When I finish, I'll only see my post and the links at the bottom will say 1-14, 15 with mine being the 15th on the page by itself.
I've set the forum to display 30 posts but it still paginates with the 1 odd page left at times.
I really wish I could set it to display all and not paginate at all. I don't mind scrolling down for 20 minutes to read everything. Scrolling horizontally is usually the annoying one.
I do like the idea of Tags, Michael, that would allow me to easily find threads that I consider informative; the animated GIFs are always great for learning how to accomplish things, and at times I'm too lazy to copy the posts or page links into my organizer program.
PS - Even just now, after posting this, the pagination was 1-10, 11-40 and mine was the 41st all by itself - just give me ALL the posts without pagination!