I'm a frequent user of other forums and MoI's is the best for me so far. If you start using it, it will become apparent.
For instance, right now, my left navigation pane only has "3 Titles" in it. The one's I havnt read since I last read the forum. When I clcik on one of the titles, the 3 remain listed there on the left....While I read. I'm not navigated away to some other part, and have to get back to continue.
Vodka martini's note is something that I have thought about also. When needing to review long threads, I have to get to the bottom of each to page on...
The search I had problems with, but if you utilize "Quotes" it can eliminate that pretty well. This was expressed to me when I had to ask for something from the past, and another user noted I should search. I already had extensivly, for like 30 minutes. I revisited the search feature and quoted a couple words and it was the second listing presented. Egg on face.