Better organized forum needed?

 From:  Boatbear (CS)
833.16 In reply to 833.15 
My two cents worth on the forum. I do find the forum a bit difficult to navigate and find that having to download attachments to view examples quite off-putting (even when the pics are stunning).
One of the other forums I frequent is the Wooden Boat Forum (WBF) , which uses Vbulletin. It is divided into 6 sensible categories, and even includes a sort of social category, “the Bilge”, where anything can be discussed, within reason.
Images must be posted elsewhere (Picturetrail, Flickr, or the like) with links added within posts so that the image is right there on the screen without clogging up your server. The interface is intuitive; particular threads can be followed easily, and use is made of ‘sticky’ topics, as required. If a thread has a new post, its heading is printed in bold so it is easy to see where you’ve been.
New members are welcomed by experienced members and questions are answered by members, rather than by moderators – could save you a heap of time, Michael. I know that happens here to a small extent.
Obviously, the wooden boat community is quite different from a community involved with a new software package, but there are similarities too. Check it out when you get the chance. I love MoI, by the way.
Best regards