Hi Mike, thanks for the suggestions! I have thought a little bit about doing what you describe there - have a free version that saves to a proprietary file format and has no export capability, and then have the regular version that can save to other formats.
There is some business risk in this approach, because for example with a corporate office where there might potentially be many customers, it really makes sense for them to have most people using the free version and only have one or a small number of the full version. When someone needs to export, they would just send the model to the one guy who has the full version. This is commonly done for SketchUp, and that's fine - it makes sense if there is a free version to make use of it like this.
Google is able to tolerate a loss of business revenue in this way since they don't really care very much about making money off of SketchUp.
I have actually already made a big effort to keep the price very low - at $195 the price is already severely reduced from the typical cost of Industrial Design software.
Ultimately I am just more focused on customers who will use MoI to solve some kind of problems in doing their design or art work.
But I will have a demo version so that people will be able to try it out first.
> P.S. I can offer suggestions for version 2.0, if you are interested, from
> a Unigraphics or Turbocad perspective. Let me know.
Definitely! Once 1.0 is fully wrapped up I will be focusing in on a bunch of new stuff, there will be a new beta at that point open to 1.0 customers and I'll be taking feedback and suggestions for it just like I did for version 1.0 .
- Michael