
 From:  Michael Gibson
8321.18 In reply to 8321.17 
Hi glmr, so for a case like that where you want to align 3 objects but keep 2 of them as a group (the lines) and the other one (the circle) also aligned to some other spot but treated individually, you will need to use the Align command in 2 separate passes. Do it once with the 2 lines selected and "Move as group"' enabled, and then a second time on the circle. Does that produce the result you want? Or you could use it once on the lines to align them to the circle, then select all 3 objects and run it again to align the whole set to your end destination.

I do want to add a grouping function so you could group your lines and have it behave how you originally expected.

If you're still unsure on how to use the Align command in 2 separate passes to get what you need, please post the 3DM model file that has the objects in it that you are using so I can show you with your actual file.

- Michael