Export Import Moi3d - 3dCoat

 From:  PaQ
8315.4 In reply to 8315.1 
Hi Ced,

Settings really depends on how far you can push 3d coat voxels resolution.

So A,B,C are 3 mesh versions from the same sphere primitive.

1) Low density voxel density grid : the difference between the 3 base mesh resolution doesn't really matter.
2) Medium voxel density grid : Model A is clearly too low for that resolution (faceted result), Model B and C give more less the same result
3) High voxel density grid : Only model C is dense enough to give smooth result.

As you can see, the key is to find a good balance between the voxel resolution and the input model density, and it requires a little bit of experimentation.

Personally I'll try to push MoI tessellation density as heavy as I can.

You can control this Mesh density in MoI using the angle based parameter, the lowest you go, the smoother the result will be.
MoI is still a 32bits application, so you will be limited anyway at some point. I usually also use the 'divide larger than' parameter to tesselate the mesh even more if I can.
'Quad and Tris' is probably the way to go, so you avoid import problems.

Then you have to try to push 3dcoat voxel density as dense as you can. This is done by scaling up the model before voxelisation.
If think there is an auto-scale option on mesh import that should give you a good starting point. If you start to see a 'faceted' result, you are pushing the density to high for
the input mesh.

Hope it helps a little bit.