ICONS - GUI Closed

Ha-ha! "Why do I install so many specialized scripts?"

ANS: Because I draw extremely complex natural organic shapes - mingled with a touch of M.C. Escher - SteamPunk - Gothic - Medieval - Industrial - Early Depression Art themes, and I need the parametric - terrazo - squishy - reverse matrix - chaos theory symmetry found at the base of a naked Oak Tree - in the leaf patterns below - not to mention the textures, light & dirt... therein.

Therefore - the more tools I have in my toolbox to perform a surgical procedure the better!

Furthermore - as far as eyes? Nothing is more restful than BLACK & shades of grey - whereas the pale-greenish-white yellowish interface that is standard fare resembles (to me) mashed potatoes served in a Super Max - with maggots for ICONS.

No need to feel insulted, I understand you're a wizard of sorts - or an engineer - and nature gave you a lobotomy on the art neurons - whereas those very same art-neurons in my head are hybrids - cloned with narcissist superbugs and virulent eye socketry that see's, uh, differently than what programmers have. I look like a christmas tree compared to a programmer, like perhaps Bill Gates, who looks like a burnt match stick in my view when it comes to art. However, Gates afforded himself a bonafide copy of Leonardo daVinci's sketches - so something is to be said for his taste in art.

I needed a relaxing black interface - with myriad tools - in order to be limitless.
Cheers - in hopes my dry humor won't be banned outright too soon - although honestly though I might sound snotty - I'm not. It just seems weird that there are so many cool scripts mingled into this forum - like gold nuggets - and they are hidden.

I see so many ways to make the GUI striking - and the software loaded like a nest of yellow jackets - and I want it that way. I'm creating just that - however - it's more difficult than necessary - and I wonder why -
Marmaduke Lambert III