FBX multiple objects export to separate files.

 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.27 In reply to 8226.26 
Hi MindSet,

Are you using the ExportNamedObjectsToIndividualFiles.js that was in this previous post? :

> How can I make ExportNamedObjectsToIndividualFiles work for STEP [(*.stp, *.step, *.stpz)
> (AP 203, AP 214, AP 242)] ,or SAT [(*.sat) (Up to 2020)] Files?

MoI will figure out what file type to write based on the file extension on the filename.

So to make it export STEP instead of FBX, go to line number 43 in the script which has this currently:
    var filename = g_dirname + name + '.fbx';

And change the .fbx to .stp like this:
    var filename = g_dirname + name + '.stp';

> Might it append a numeric incremental for each such duplicately named solid and thereby save it
> into its own separately named file?

I've attached a version that should do that.

> Another problem is that it will write out a group, rather than just its individual constituent solids.

This should be fixed in the attached version also.

> Also, might the user pick the output directory at runtime ?

Sorry no that's not easy to do currently because there is not a directory picking UI set up for a script to use. I'll see what's involved in setting one up.

- Michael