How can I run MoI faster?

 From:  bemfarmer
8207.6 In reply to 8207.5 
I like the faster Windows7 bootup with the SSD, but have been saving files to a regular HDD.
I doubt that MoI geometric processing would be any different with an SSD.
Recently, at bootup, a lot of the on screen icons loaded up very slowly, and even remained "white" as they seemed to cease loading.
Yesterday, I ran msconfig.exe with the start orb, and closed some non-crucial programs which were "looking for updates" on the internet.
Now bootup is back to SSD normal. With Malwarebytes anti-malware active, there do not seem to be any "viruses" or other nuisance
programs clogging up the computer. Hooked up a new 5TB Costco Seagate Backup drive Plus USB 3.0 Hub tonight.
- Brian