New Aug-1 bug fix release available

 From:  Schbeurd
815.2 In reply to 815.1 
Looks great !

LWO is by far the best way to import MoI files into Modo now.
I still can see some rendering artifacts (see image 3 - Top) but it seems it's okay for 99% of the models now. There are some shading problems in 3D view (image 1) but they are not annoying (at least for me).
Modo 301 should be released very soon and Luxology mentioned that vertex normals will be (officially ?) supported in this version so I will wait to see if there are changes or improvements once 301 is released. For me, you can now concentrate on the release of version 1.0 and the documentation. ;-))

BTW; I notice that the materials are double sided and the smoothing angle is set to 20% for only two of the objects. The third one which had correct normals orientation has the default one sided material of Modo and a smoothing angle of 60%. Was this intentional (all three are open meshes).
(EDIT : Ooops ! I realize I selected the wrong material, so neglect this part of the message...)

And, maybe a dumb question, but if the support of vertex normals in 301 is better than in the current version, do you plan to deactivate (turn off) double side materials for LWO objects ?

And just for the fun and show the improvements over the recent months I enclose a rendering of the Cannon by Steph 3D. Export in LWO format with standard values (and N-gons). Much better than a few months ago, don't you think ! ;-)

Thanks for your dedication to the community !

EDITED: 2 Aug 2007 by SCHBEURD