Share your MoI keyboard shortcuts

 From:  Michael Gibson
8123.18 In reply to 8123.17 
Hi Marco, well all those things you are describing are running new commands, so the result of your action there will now be the object generated by the last command instead.

For #1 or #3, moving an object or an edit point using Transform > Move uses the Move command, or moving it by dragging uses the internal Drag command. #2 deleting an object runs the delete command.

Basically anything that modifies the geometry database will be done through a command so that command pre- and post-processing will run and do things like generate undo units for any objects that are being removed or replaced by new versions, and have any UI for the command cleared, etc... It is possible to modify the geometry database outside of the context of running in a command but none of the regular actions you do in MoI will do it that way because you won't get undo units for example and there would be various cleanup steps the script would have to do manually on its own. That's the whole reason there is such a thing as a command instead of everything just running direct script code all the time.

I have some ideas on maybe changing this in the future to try something like generate undo units for scripts that modify the geometry database without running in a command by clustering modifications that happened within some tight time frame of each other into an individual unit, but I'm not sure yet how reliable that will be. It's much simpler to have one "command" generate one undo unit.

Sorry maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking about though.

- Michael