Rendering software

 From:  mkdm
Hi chippwalters,

I write you here in reply of your post

because i think that i'm "Off topic" if i continue to use the thread "Project moi3d v4".

> I'm curious if it can also export maps that KeyShot can use?

I think there are several ways to do that in 3D-Coat...

If you want to directly work on hi-poly meshes, a possible workflows are :


1) File -> New
2) Close the splash screen
3) Go to the "Paint Room"
4) File -> "Import model for Per Pixel Painting"
5) Do painting job in "Paint Room"
6) Finally export all, with File -> Export Objects & Textures with "Export Geometry"
At this stage you can choose what Export/Import workflow is better suited for yout receiving app, (KeyShot in your case) :
A) Gloss/Color Specular
B) Gloss/Metalness
C) Roughness/Metalness


1) File -> New
2) Close the splash screen
3) File -> "Import model for PTEX"
4) Do painting job in "Paint Room"
5) Finally export all, with File -> Export Objects & Textures with "Export Geometry"
At this stage you can choose what Export/Import workflow is better suited for yout receiving app, (KeyShot in your case) :
A) Gloss/Color Specular
B) Gloss/Metalness
C) Roughness/Metalness

For both methods, I think that the best Export/Import workflow for KeyShot are A and C.

Or maybe it's better for you to use the "KeyShot Advanced" with Roughness/Metalness.

P.S. i'm using latest version of 3D-Coat : 4.7.06 64Bit


- Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 15 Aug 2016 by MKDM