Morphostemic Anti-Gear …

 From:  TyRuben

I do work in SketchUp a great deal, as a matter of fact, it was my only 3D tool until I started playing around with MOI (I heard about SketchUp very early on when @Last software was just getting up and running in like, 2003 or 04).

What you've posted is from 1995 and is a straight up Prismacolor marker illustration (with some colored pencil and whiteout) -- which is the only way I worked between 1990 until 2004.

I don't have a 3D workflow for organic designs -- for that I still go back to markers. I've not done any organic designs in a while.

That design was done for Guillermo del Toro's first American feature, MIMIC.

Glad you like it -- !