Script Problems in Versions "moi_Jun-12-2007" and "moi_Jul-17-2007"

 From:  Michael Gibson
797.10 In reply to 797.9 
Hi Rainer, now that I am digging into this, it looks like there may possibly be some additional debug information already available.

Can you please check for it - to view the debug log, maximize the MoI window, and then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "MoI" text label in the upper-right hand corner of the screen, next to the window minimize and close buttons.

That should pop up a debug menu, with an item on it of "Show Log". That will bring up a dialog that shows the error log, if there is anything in it other than the "starting up" message, can you please copy and paste it here? That may help give some additional information.

I'm also going to see if I can add some additional information to that log as well for the next build.

- Michael