project moi3d v4

 From:  BurrMan
7954.86 In reply to 7954.85 
Sure PaQ,
The "storefront community" kindof turns me off too.

The power surfacing for onshape is no big install. Download it an install it from cyborge3d. Login to onshape with a browser and enable power surfacing to have access. (The upper right corner has your name with a dropdown for "manage account".... Choose the "application" tab and it should be under design category, or just type npower in search. Should be a little button that says "allow")

Now, Whenever you launch power surfacing, it asks to Log into your onshape account, where you pass your models back and forth from the power surfacing file menu...

Again, though, currently the bridge is down. But you can do some modeling in power surfacing to see if you like the interface. You'll be limited with no CAD export until the api issue is corrected with onshape and integrityware. Dave expects should be pretty quick now as onshape has some detailed info about it. I'll let you know when if you like.

""""""""""I have quickly registered the cyborg stuff too, free for 1 month, then it's 60$ / month ..."""""""""""

I just saw that in the onshape store area. May send an email off to dave to see if my previous thought about it was incorrect.... I don't think the free is limited to a month, I think its limited by the number of surfaces you can work with, so fairly simple models, with only 50 surfaces.

But I was hoping that the perpetual 1 time purchase was available with it, as I don't rent. so if it's only a rental product, it will be out for me... :(