project moi3d v4

 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.57 In reply to 7954.54 
Hi Marco, things are fine over here. I haven't gotten to the stage yet for evaluating how KCM will fit in with MoI, that will probably be the very last stage that I'll work on before the first v4 beta will be released. I still have to do the display engine first before I get to there.

A complete switchover will probably be too much work for one release cycle but I want to investigate the feasibility of doing it in pieces like with using KCM for a few particular areas like filleting and shelling which are some of the weaker areas of MoI currently. But just as a note of caution I have done this type of investigation before with another kernel and it was not workable because that kernel was very picky about what type of imported geometry it would work with. I have some good hope that KCM will not be like that though.

- Michael