project moi3d v4

 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.48 In reply to 7954.47 
Hi Marco,

> It could be possible to get some others MB of space ?

I'm sorry, but there isn't any way set up in the forum software for me to increase the attachment space for just one user, and increasing it for everybody isn't feasible for me either because it could easily fill up my entire web server and I'd have to dedicate more resources to maintaining the web server which leaves less time for working on MoI!

There are several services out there that are specialized in this area of managing large uploads, like Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive, and others - if you need more space to upload files please use one of those services and then just share the link here.

> I hope I was clear... :)

Yes, I understand! MoI is not really specifically focused on that kind of workflow though, but I'm glad if it works for you anyway.

Thanks, - Michael