project moi3d v4

 From:  Michael Gibson
7954.46 In reply to 7954.45 
Hi Marco,

> In fact, some times i apply a final sub-d step to my exported objects.

That's sort of unusual for CAD models - usually CAD models are created with smoothing already set up by fillets, and by applying sub-d smoothing it will mutate the shape and things like exact spheres, cylinders, and fillets will not be exact anymore.

> But i must also say that i noticed that also rendering benefits from quads
> topology, specially on organic models.

That shouldn't usually be the case unless you are also discarding the vertex normals in the non-all-quads one.

If you have an example model where it renders better with all quads that you can post with the different versions of it, I might be able to give some more details about what is happening in that particular case.

- Michael