How to smoothly cap this object ?

 From:  mkdm
7928.33 In reply to 7928.31 
Hi BurrMan,

I know that this forum is primarily focused on everything relating Moi's world,
but i hope that Michael allows me to do this little digression :)

Just in honor of the Italian language and its history, i want to bring back one of the most famous sentences of Alessandro Manzoni :

"È male minore l'agitarsi nel dubbio che il riposare nell'errore".

And i hope you will forgive me if i want to leave this sentence as is, without attempt to translate it in English or American or any other language...

Perhaps there's someone among us that is capable to do it :)

Ciao BurrMan e stammi bene! (translation : Ciao BurrMan and take care!)
