How to smoothly cap this object ?

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
The problem is that i'm not still able to understand where to puts additional control points in order to get better results.

Maybe you already know or not:you can add points on surfaces.This example can be useful for your chair,keeping continuity and deforming at the same time

but i must admit that i much prefer to talk technical related arguments,
especially anything that concerns computer graphics and computer science in general, in English language,
'cause not only it is widely used by almost everyone, but in my hopinion, it's best suited to be used for technical topics in general.

English or better...American... is also the best and the only one to sing Rock music!
I think at John Fogerty when sings "Keep on Chooglin"...what other language can say -CHOOGLIN-
I saw him two years ago live on stage...damn..i wish to have that voice and that language... :)

I did few tutorials speaking in English :) but when i watched Burr's or Chipp's tuts listening to their voice i definitively left that idea:now just captions :)