How to smoothly cap this object ?

 From:  mkdm
7928.29 In reply to 7928.28 
Hi speedy (AL2000),

i think that certainly there are a lot of Moi users from Italy,
and i'm really very pleased of that!

I love italian language, and not only because is my language...,
but i must admit that i much prefer to talk technical related arguments,
especially anything that concerns computer graphics and computer science in general, in English language,
'cause not only it is widely used by almost everyone, but in my hopinion, it's best suited to be used for technical topics in general.

And i affirm this, although my current english level is rather poor.

Anyway....long life to the italian language and all other languages, and let's have fun with Moi!

Ciao a tutti :)

Hi everyone :)
