Island Selection from poly

 From:  Michael Gibson
7890.2 In reply to 7890.1 
Hi ndrakey, also see my reply to your other post:

> Is there a way to select all faces on objects by selecting only one face
> and expand that selection?

Use "Select All" / Ctrl+A for that, once you have selected one face if you then use Select All (Ctrl+A), the selection will expand to all the faces on objects where you have at least one face selected to start with.

> Also it would be nice to select one point/ edge and expand it to
> full selection of all points/edges on an object too.

Same thing for these - Select All / Ctrl+A will also select all edges of an object if you have at least one edge selected initially, and also if you have at least one control point selected using Ctrl+A will select all points of that object.

- Michael