Multiple symmetry update

 From:  Michael Gibson
7888.19 In reply to 7888.18 
Hi Pilou,

> What about the number of copy rotation itself ?

There's one line of code that controls that, on line 26:

	var numcopies = 6;

If you want to have 5 copies around the circle edit that line to say this instead:

	var numcopies = 5;

> If I modify it (with a text editor) that change the Angle

Don't modify the angle, modify the line above the angle that sets the number of copies. The angle is automatically computed based on the number of copies.

> Say I want 5 result for example???

You mean 5 copies rotated around and not any mirroring? That's what the first script in this thread did, it didn't do the mirroring step, it did rotation only, so try that. It's in this same thread here:

If that's not what you're trying to do could you try to describe it a bit more?

- Michael