Scripts Icons Gallery

 From:  mkdm
7862.17 In reply to 7862.16 
Hi Sharif,

I'm happy to see that in this forum good ideas never die :)

I like your approach and i think it will be very useful, although,
for a more practical use, it needs doubtless a second monitor.

In my opinion, the very best tool to obtain a real cool plugin library,
would be to have this two things linked together :

a panel gallery based on big and nice, and self explanatory icons,
like ones did by you or me (i prefer colorful icons than grey ones),

and, above all, a text command search with auto completion.

So, while someone writes some letter of a command name, the panel filters the icons accordingly.

You might even think to filter the search based on some hidden description apppliyed to each or some of the commands.

So, if i have, let's say, 400 or more commands and scripts, and i need a tool
that help me to create some kind of stuff, the search should show me all the commands and script that are
candidate to do that stuff.

Maybe someone wants to dig into this challenge ?

I hope someone will do.

Nice night.
