Scripts Icons Gallery

 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone,

after a little effort, not so little though :), this is my contribuition to this forum.

It's an icons collection for a script gallery.

The commands and scripts i used, are a personal selection from the great job did by BurrMan,
pubblished in the post "scripts command collected" at

Moi3D uses a minimalist and streamlined interface, great interface, and i suppose that this may collide with this vision,
but i'm a fan of the icons and i ran out of shortcut keys :)

I made every icon, launching the linked command first, then made some stuff with it,
captured the Moi's screen and finally edited the picture in PS.

This UI add on, works with or without the fantastic Max's CustomUI.

Feel free to modify any parts of this material.

Nice day to everyone!


Step 1
Inside Windows, this step requires accessing the specified file, with administrative privileges in order to edit it.

Copy this lines of css code, at bottom of the file : "<moi install folder>\ui\moi.css"

/* ScriptsGallery START */
moi\:CommandButton.big_icon > img {
/* ScriptsGallery END */

Step 2
Inside Windows, this step requires accessing the specified file, with administrative privileges in order to edit it.

Extract the attached file and copy the content
of the extracted file, at bottom of the file : "<moi install folder>\ui\EnglishStrings.txt",
(or the file relative to your Moi's language).

Step 3
Inside Windows, this step requires accessing the specified file, with administrative privileges in order to edit it.

Copy this lines of html text, inside the file : "<moi install folder>\ui\CommandBar.htm",

<!-- ScriptsGallery START -->

<moi:CommandMenuButton menu="ScriptsGallery.htm" icon="scriptsGalleryIcons/3dScriptsGallery.png">
<moi:Text textid="ScriptsGalleryText">
<!-- ScriptsGallery END -->

Just below this block of html code, as shown in the Step3 picture below:

binding="value = moi.drawingAids.objectSnap"
<moi:Text textid="Object Snap">

Step 4
Inside Windows, this step requires accessing the specified file, with administrative privileges in order to edit it.

Extract the attached file and copy all the extracted content into the folder : "<moi install folder>\ui"

(EDIT: for MoI v4 use the update found at

Step 5
Inside Windows, this step requires accessing the specified file, with administrative privileges in order to edit it.

Extract the attached file and copy all the extracted content into the folder : "<moi install folder>"

Step 6

Launch Moid3d and enjoy!


Image Attachments:
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