Vector into 3D - fillet/chamfer problems

 From:  Lewis3D
7781.18 In reply to 7781.17 
Hi Michael, thanks for such quick reply (and on holidays hours, you are awesome support).

As for some questions here is few answers:
I knew someone will ask why do i worry about those when it filleted them fine :), well thing is that it didn't fillet it on my real target mesh (NDA stuff so i had to use different name/mesh) which also had that "A" letter from that same font but front face/surface wasn't flat like on my video but curved so it was making it harder for fillet which failed on letter A in that case and I wasn't been able to make it single piece so that's why i made that video in the first place :).

Eventually what I did was to create CURVES from FONT instead solid/3D, then get to show points, deleted all points which curved slightly (which effectively is also destroying the font structure/look) and then all worked fine but as i mentioned it was really extra step/long process i hoped i'll be able to avoid and be done much faster with logo creations in MOI than in Polygons programs.

Either way it seems MOI is very sensitive to those small glitches and for some reason tolerance seems to be zero 'coz from look at curves (on that font letter A) LEFT and RIGHT sides seem/look same and yet MOI creates extra edges on Right side of letter A and not on LEFT side so yeah if you could make some "tolerance" setting on import/creation Vector tools in future I think that would help on such cases very much.

Thanks for your time.

Skype - lewis3d