Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.91 In reply to 7777.89 
Hi Karsten,

> "I saw a menuitem in your installation that was new for me ObjectsExt - new nodes?"

Yes, some times ago I wrote "SelectedObjExt" a tiny upgrade of Max's "SelectedObj" node, with a little but very very useful feature.
It's enable to specify the order of the objectList : "By Selection" or "By Creation".

For example "By Creation" mode is very useful when you generate for example a bunch of points in Moi,
using one of the math scripts written by the community.
Well...with "By Creation" you can preserve the logical and mathematical order with whom that points were generated.

You can try it by yourself.

Playing with both modes ("By Selection" or "By Creation") gives very different results.

Simply add this code to your "index.html" file presents into the root folder of Project Elephant.
In attachment you can pick my node.

<script type="text/javascript" src="nodes/objectsExt.js"></script>

> "it is also difficult for me - as mentioned, my intention is not to develop perfect code (because, I can't do that). And a lot of the code I have written is obsolete with every new version"

Oh yeah...I can understand you.

I hope that ASAP Max will release it's first official stable verison.

P.S. hello Max! How are you ? I hope fine!

- Marco (mkdm)