Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.901 In reply to 7777.900 
Hello Ralf,

there is also another half automatic way to extract an edge of brep (surfaces,joined surface, solids). BrepNameSubObjects takes the bRep and gives names to the faces and edges and displays the geometry. If you select something of the displayed geometry and you insert then the extract node it will evaluate the names and stores it. On run the node gives then the preselected geometry to the output. Without a pre selection while insert, the node has no names to store (empty names) and the node will give all faces and edges to the output, required you don't have a BrepNameSubObjects node as intput, means direct the brep.

I hope you can follow - here are the limits of my english:-(

Have a nice day

p.s. same behavior for the filleting of a solid (preselection is always necessary)- but take care fillet problems are not catched and leads to crash of MoI!!!

EDITED: 19 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS