Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.873 In reply to 7777.865 
Hi Ralf

Thanks for Camera2 node. Great stuff
I can't wait to see what other things you do.

>> instead of SuDoKu i play with nodes <<

I have some suggestions that may pique your interest for nodes to play with:

1) ExtrudeDir
Ideally this would be a RMB option to Extrude node, but for now can be stand-alone.
The ability to set set start & end points (thereby denoting direction) will solve problem of multiprocess extrudes of multiple curves flowed over a surface, each with unique normal.

2) IsoCurve2
Karsten's IsoCurve node is supremely useful, but it could be improved by the option of including the perimeter curves as well.

3) Fat Lines
This one is pretty self-explanatory; it is simply Max's "Fat Lines" script wrapped in a node.

These are by no means the most needed nodes missing from the toolkit, far from it... just some thoughts

Keep up the great work

EDITED: 15 Dec 2017 by JFH
