Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.826 In reply to 7777.824 
Hello Barry,

the Problem is not in your node - it's the Feedback effect of the nodefile itself. The Output of collision becomes, by detours to the Input.

I think that is catched by the nodeeditor to avoid infinity running. A Problem that has to be solved for optimisations or by a node itself.

I think about it, nevertheless we have to ping Max for his opinion.

Have a nice day

p.s.: I don't think that you Need a new node - and try to avoid boolean in nodeeditor progamming - Max has made a decission to use numarray for that Look at his logic nodes. At the end it's the same. Only difference you can directly calculate with a result of a logical comperation.