Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.793 In reply to 7777.791 
Hi Barry, it looks like you'd need to do 2 things - you'd need to change the output type of the node which is defined by this line in objIntersect():


It sounds like you want it to output a boolean value, it looks like you can put in "boolean" for that, so change that to:


Then to actually make the boolean value you will need to change the onExecute function for objIntersect, the last line currently looks like this:

this.setOutputData(0, output);

To change that to a boolean value instead of outputting the object list try this:

this.setOutputData(0, output.length > 0);

So that should then output true if anything was generated from the intersection or false if nothing was generated.

Does that maybe do what you need?

- Michael