Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.753 In reply to 7777.752 
Hi Pilou

<< Alas seems not the same for the Truchet.nod above!>>

For me "Truchet.nod" works in both v3 & v4 with extensions folder replacements:

Don't worry about "objects2.js", it is already included in extensions folder.

Try downloading "Truchet.nod" again. It is possible it has been updated
since the version you originally downloaded.

It is curious because I have found that most of my NE experiments
will not run in v4. For example my earlier experiment "spaceFrames2.nod"
give this runtime error message:
So, we know that none of the nodes used in "Truchet.nod" cause problems
and at least one or more of the culprit nodes is in the macro of "spaceFrames2.nod".


UPDATE: I tried pulling nodes out of macro and rebuilding on main tier, to see if
macros themselves were the issue. But no, I still recieved the same error alert.

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by JFH
