Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
Hi Karsten (and others),

Attached is a file with macro that converts a Brep to Edges & points.

I have tried modifying your "Extract" node by making line 212 & 217-220 into comments so that it only outputs edge curves. It works perfectly however is no use for the sharing of .nod files, & hence convert.nod attached.

I wonder though, if it would be difficult to add an "Edges Only" option to your node. Perhaps, if this could be included, it might be an opportune time for a name change (to let's say "Derive"), so as to remove the redundancy of 2 nodes of the same name & not be confused with Max's Basic/Extract.

Anyway, this was just a thought

Have a great weekend

Better still, might be for Max to fold this functionality into a Brep option in his "Exract" node

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH
