Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.715 In reply to 7777.711 
Hi Max, yes instancing should help with making larger numbers of copied objects.

There is a kind of lightweight instancing built into the Transform factories currently, but it will only kick in if the factory is generating more than 1000 curves or more than 50 (setting from ProxyGenerationNumFactories in moi.ini) faces total. Also it's built around the regular transform commands where there's only one factory generating stuff and so when the command finishes it wipes out all proxies and not just the ones it made.

But I think it would not be difficult for me to refine this mechanism a little bit to give you a way to do a type of "preview mode" where you'd be able to generate a display of a lot of object copies more quickly.

That would be able to happen pretty soon, the full instancing is a bigger chunk of work.

- Michael