Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.708 In reply to 7777.703 
Hi Marco, well one difference is that Grasshopper is implemented in a more optimized language, C# I think.

Most of the Node Editor is not implemented by MoI's API at all, its entire base implementation is itself in JavaScript.

The main purpose of JavaScript in MoI's built in functions is to use it more as a high level glue code, not really for implementing more heavy duty calculations entirely in script. The primary API change to increase MoI's performance for a heavy duty plugin like this would be to have a C++ API so the entire plug-in could be written in C++ rather than having tons and tons of script code. There is a lot of work involved in doing that though, I'm not focused on implementing and supporting a C++ API currently. Really even the script API is not a big focus, I'm still in the process of primarily working on things for the bigger pool of regular users and not really on developers yet.

But in order to improve performance I'll need a lot more specific information than just such a general description, I'd need to have an actual running example that I could test with over here, that would then enable me to profile it and see where most of the time is going. You seem to be making an assumption that all the time is being taken in MoI API calls but unless you have done detailed profiling it is not proper to make that assumption.

- Michael