Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.675 In reply to 7777.674 
Hello R2D3,

The objToArray node converts point objects to a pointarray. So a better name would be Pt-ObjectsToPointArray but that's to long;-) I think that what you looking for is pathArray or mPathArray - to find under Points2. The node takes input curves evaluates an orientated frame at the start point and distributes orientated frames along the curve. The Div value defines the amount of frames/Points along the curve. The orientation option controls the orientation along the curve. The order option is only important if you have multiple curves: Along gives you an array with all points from the first curve followed by the points of second and so on. Across gives you an array with the first point of the first curve followed by the first point of the second curve and so on. The point array has an internal organization to cluster the points. Following nodes e.g. Curve can break this clusters to independent curves. Have a look to the attached node file. Don't forget to reselect your curve.

Have a nice day