Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.654 In reply to 7777.652 
Hello James,

At the Moment I don't work on nodes. I've already written a Network node, but it's very unstable caused by the orientation of the Input curves. I didn't figured out how the Standard function solves this Problem. It's the same Problem like the radius factory.
For the form finding I figured out the stability Problem, but it will take some time to solve it. The code is quick and dirty and the biggest issue was the meshing. Maybe I have to rewrite alot of things in it. I'm not a Software developer and in the past sometimes I used C/C++ for short programms. With this Background JavaScript is sometimes a mystery for me.

Have a nice day

p.s.:And I have still some private Problems.