Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.648 In reply to 7777.647 
Hi Michael.

@You : "...Hi Marco, so the problem is that as I wrote earlier it's far more difficult to write multi-core code than single core code..."

Ok. I really didn't want to start a "philosophical" debate on "why" multi core operation are really a hard thing to treat in the computer science in general.

Anyway, clearly, I agree with you and with your clarification although I already knew these things.

Thanks anyway.
It's always a pleasure for me to talk to you about software developing :)

It's true (unfortunately) that the intrinsic structure of many operation is not easily compatible with a multi core environment and it's really hard to brake their "atomic" structure.

Fortunately there are some kind of operations that, even in a "consumer" software, can be easily crunched by the modern GPU in a "super multi core" fashioned way.

Just to close this interesting topic with a "developing" curiosity...

I don't know if you already know this, but some times ago the guys at "Solid Iris", (the author of TheaRender now aquired by Altair)
were able to create a very efficient UNBIASED render algorithm that runs superfast on both CPU and GPU simultaneously.
This is one of the very rare cases where you can buy a software that will use ALL the computing power of your PC and in this case
for example really worth to buy a superfast multicore CPU and a powerful GPU and you will not waste not even a "penny" :)

I have TheaRender and it's a pleasure to see how it crunches data simultaneously with my i7-7700K and the Gtx 1080 Ti at the maximum speed.

Just a final side note....some times ago I was studying a really interesting programming language called "Erlang", a language that is especially designed
for developing scalable systems. Anyway I think it's not very suitable for developing "desktop" CG software. The unique software that I know that uses Erlang is Wings3D.

Have a nice day and thanks a lot for giving me the chance to talk about these things.


Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 23 Oct 2017 by MKDM