Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.647 In reply to 7777.645 
Hi Marco, so the problem is that as I wrote earlier it's far more difficult to write multi-core code than single core code. Along with that difficulty comes many many many more chances for bugs. And not just regular bugs, multi-threading bugs are particularly bad since they are related to timing conditions and can be very difficult to reproduce.

So you might not be aware of the "bundle deal" that you're asking for - along with full time use of multiple cores for every single kind of operation there would also come an overall general lack of stability.

Some algorithms also inherently use a sequential chain of dependent operations and are just not feasible to break up into separate isolated task units which have no intertwined connections.

So there are some good reasons why all software doesn't just automatically use all cores for every operation that it's trying to do. Some things like ray tracing for example tend to lend themselves more naturally to it though because they happen to have more isolation.

- Michael