Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.645 In reply to 7777.644 
Hi Michael.

Thanks a lot for clarifying.

@You : "...the display is something that is in constant use and so I'm not sure why you'd consider that to be totally wasteful... ?..."

Well, I said "totally wasteful" because I have considered the actual situation of CAD software in general. Not only about Moi.
At least the CAD software that are in the "consumer" market, not the "high-end".

I explain.

Ok, it's good to know that Moi deals with displaying meshes in a "multicore" fashion. Perfect!!

But, I was referring also to ALL other kind of operations. All other CPU bound operations.

For example, running each command, running each node in NE, doing any CPU bound calculation.

I'm not referring here to the part of the code that is dedicated to display and render the meshes, but to the part of the code where the calculation are carried out.

When a "Loft" or a "Network" or a "Fillet" command for example, or anything else, takes 30 secs on a given multicore CPU,
if the 90% of the time is relative to the mathematical calculation and are CPU bound, and only 10% relates to final render of the resulting mesh,
then it means that even if you have a multicore CPU, the 90% of the time is spent on a single core and only 10% can leverage on the multi core.

This is what I wanted to say when I said "totally wasteful".

I don't think I'm wrong if I think so.

Anyway, this is totally not referred specifically to Moi, but ALL software in general, so I didn't want to be critical with regard to Moi or your developing job :)

I hope I made myself clear.


Marco (mkdm)