Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.644 In reply to 7777.643 
Hi Marco, just to clarify - as I mentioned above MoI does make use of multiple CPU cores for the viewport display and for mesh format export. The display is something that is in constant use and so I'm not sure why you'd consider that to be totally wasteful... ?

But because it's difficult to implement it makes the most sense for me to focus multi core use on a few key areas that deliver a high amount of value, such as the display. The next focus area for it will probably be for generating display meshes which will then help speed up file loading for example. It's another area that gets heavy use across many different commands and use cases and so any benefit there is of high value.

Also another thing that has been a limiting factor is doing things on multiple cores can consume more memory since some operations may need to make fairly large allocations and having multiple large allocations simultaneously "in flight" could more easily exhaust 32-bit address space. With the 64-bit version I shouldn't have to worry about that as much.

- Michael