Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.643 In reply to 7777.639 
Hi Michael.

Thanks for confirming my words.

@You : "...Other areas like a node calculation will run on a single core. It takes special work to use multiple cores, it involves breaking things down into individual isolated task units which can then be scheduled across threads. That's very different than "normal" code..."

It' true, and unfortunately this is still one of the main "Achilles heel" of almost all 3D cad/nurbs modeler.
I mean, the lacks of multicore capabilities for almost all their features.

And this is really a big "hole" because actually if you really want to speed up things in one of these software, including Moi or Rhino,
maybe the one and only way to go is to buy a very expensive CPU with a high IPC and fast and big internal cache.

And actually, for what I know, only very expensive CPU like the XEON line have this characteristics.

All other CPU, including new AMD Threadripper or even all i9 from Intel, although they can run at a higher clock speed,
they cannot reach the IPC value and the overall computing power of a XEON.

So, unfortunately, today the main bottle neck is not the hardware but the SOFTWARE. Almost ALL software!

The main problem is that is really very expensive, especially for a little company or a one person company, to afford the investment that
is necessary to build and maintain the development of a multi core application.

So, actually most of the money we spend to buy new CPU with lots of cores is almost totally wasteful.

Fortunately all these consideration doesn't apply to GPU computing, but here, again, the "Achilles heel" is that only a little portion of calculation
can be demanded to GPU. Only specific types of tasks.

Maybe in the next years we will see a new generation of code compiler that will provide a much robust and wider range of multi core capabilities :)

Have a nice day Michael.


- Marco (mkdm)