Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.623 In reply to 7777.613 

"Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here -anyway."

Stunned that you've been given that impression. I, like the other posters, am very grateful for all that you have contributed.

As a fairly recent participant in Project Elephant I did find it very challenging to get going and would have appreciated a tidier archive and detailed, easy to find, documentation.
However I realise that this is very much a work in progress and we have the opportunity to participate in the building phase, and I'd sooner the developers create new nodes, and improvements and extension of Node Editor (Macros are wonderful!) that spend their time on administration.

When the development phase is 'over' then, for the value of Project Elephant to be accessible to a greater range of MoI users, easily accessible archives and documentation will be essential.
