Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.614 In reply to 7777.613 
Hello Karsten,

@You : "...Sometimes I have the Feeling that some guys here are not amused that someone is writing nodes here..."

:) You're right. It's like coding "scripting/nodes" is considered a "strange" thing.

Anyway, I understand and respect your point of view.

But, I have only a final simple question :)

What is the difficult to have a very personal online repository where upload very personal script/nodes/plugin and where all other
users con be redirected from Moi's posts, in order to download latest version of personal experimental/testing/developing/scripting/nodes ?

I think that almost everyone use Google Drive/One Drive/Dropbox/etc... so a personal repository is not a problem.

This could be very helpful not only for final "users" but also for us, the developers of that stuff.

What do you think about ?

Thanks in advance.


Marco (mkdm)