Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.611 In reply to 7777.610 
Hi Karsten.

Thanks for the reply

@You : "...But I don't know if it is useful to post a complete package when I only changed or added one single node..."


As I said many times, I have my very personal point of view, a point of view of a software developer.

IMHO, in order to avoid version madness and headache, this is the best methods to keep all the users up to date
about "extensions" nodes made by us or by anyone other than Max :

I mean, the Max's way.

I think this is the best solution.

That is, having an online repository, like, where all users can download always the very latest version of some particular
"extensions" for NE written by some developer.

This is a huge benefit, because a user doesn't have to wonder " this the correct version of the script ? I remember that someone here and there
said that at line 130 of the code I have to put "x = x +1" and not "x = x -1".

I think that now is the time to definitively stop this strange situation :)

A "user" of a script or node must only download and overwrite all the files without wonder what's inside them.

This is an aspect "TOTALLY" delegated to the developer of the node.

Please, let's stop version madness :)

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.


Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 11 Oct 2017 by MKDM